Monday, October 12, 2009

Count Down

Only six more days until the Humboldt Redwoods Marathon. I'm a little nervous just thinking about it. I've been feeling good during my last few weeks of running and I hope that continues. Unfortunately there is a nearby fire right now so the air outside is unhealthy. I've been outside all day and I'm hoping I don't have any lasting effects from the smoke. My goals this week are to stay healthy, get plenty of sleep, and lay off the junk food. So far, not so good but I've still got a few days to go. As far as my goals for the race?

My overly ambitious goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Seeing as this is my first marathon and I've never ran more than 20 miles I know this is a crazy goal...but wouldn't that be awesome?! (My training schedule says it's possible)

My ambitious goal is to finish under four hours.

My basic, and most important, goal is to finish injury free.


  1. Good luck girl. You amaze me. I have a friend running in the San Fran marathon soon. She has never ran a race in her life-not even a 5k I know of. She has been training like crazy though. Anyhow I truly hope you meet all your goals.

  2. Good luck with all your goals. You will do awesome. Someday I hope to run the Boston Marathon as well...we shall see. I plan to run my first marathon sometime this next year...maybe the San Fran one. I just started my training little step at a time.
