Saturday, December 19, 2009

Red-breasted Hawk?

I saw two beautiful hawks today on my 8-miler. The first was perched very close to our house because when I opened the door I startled it and it flew down to our truck. It was red-breasted with a black-and-white checkered tail. I tried to get a closer look but it took off in the direction of my run so I followed it through the trees for a ways. Then on the way home, I saw another hawk, soaring above the river. With the light just right and the fog rising from the trees in the distance I was bummed not to have my camera. What a great morning for running...

After talking with my dad and doing some more research on the internet, I think I saw a Cooper's Hawk by my house. It may have been a Sharp-shinned. Both hawks can have red plumage on their breast. If I see it again I'll know what to look for.